Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Prince Takes Me for A Ride on His Iron Horse

Monday, October 29, 2007

Prince Takes me for a ride On his Iron Horse.
Here in Las Vegas there is a unique place that caters to the vast Las Vegas gay and lesbian population.
I like to go there with a good friend of mine, at least once every 2 weeks.

Im not really a "fruit fly" as they say and I don't really go to hit on the girls, I go mainly because I am somewhat of an Adventurist and I enjoy the scenery.

There is this gigantic fish tank with dozens of large pirhana fish. They are not a very beautiful in the species of fish ,,,but interstingly,, they have a rather large appetite for meat and flesh. But other than the irking fishtank, the place is rather aesthetic,,and there is a lot to look at.

There is the club mascot, a Pirhana man who walks around with a tall green mohawk.They have good breadth of patio outside with a tranquil fountain, warm fireplaces and comfortable couches where all the people sit and socialize. The music is to my liking, there are two separate rooms one with a hip hop DJ and techno dance DJ.

I get really absorbed into watching the go -go boys dance, their moves are incomparable to all gogo dancing that i have ever seen.

The last few months, I have taken notice of this very handsome go go dancer named Philip,, He is quite a Prince.

I always make sure to take my money and put it right in the back of his tight white underwear making sure to get a close view of his really muscular butt cheeks.

On my last visit He bent down on one knee and whispered in my ear: "I've noticed you in here a few times,, you are very beautiful. What is your name?"

This got me very excited and hot,, I had been admiring him for quite sometime, was it possible that he liked women?

I ran back over to my friend Melissa and quickly told her what he had just said to me."He doesn't like you. He likes guys. He's Just Being Nice to you because he is hustling for tips." , she said, trying to make me believe that the dancers were only there to provide an illusion.

I ignored her. I rather see the bright side and possibility of things.I had to go back up there and find out. I would go up and give him more money in the hopes that he would speak to me again.. I like to show my appreciation when I am standing in front of beauty.

"Carpe Diem!!" I thought I better get up there soon,,,, the dancers rotation was changing soon.

Eagerly I charged back up to the stage with my dollars in hand . Phillip bent down smiling at me again.

I told him how much I appreciated him and he asked "May I speak to you after I get off work"My heart was beating very fast. For a moment I forgot how to speak. I returned to Melissa and we began dancing again. My eyes diverted to the stage.

"My God, Where Did he learn how to dance like that" said Mellissa"
You can only be born with it", I replied.

About 30 minutes later Phillip was walking toward me,, He was dressed now and Had a backpack strapped to his back. Even carrying a backpack, he still was a Prince to me,,,

I dutifully followed him outside.We engaged in a little small talk , got to know each other for a couple of minutes.

Then he pulled a shiny silver key out of his pocket. Like a cute little puppy wagging its tale I devotedly followed behind him to whereever he was going to.

A red street bike. He had some style. With the little key he unlocked the lock that secured his Helmet to the Motocycle.
"Do You want to go for a Ride?"

"Yes,, I would love to ride with you on your Iron Horse". Secretly, I was wondering who the extra helmet belonged to.

But at that moment,,,, it was mine.

"You had better hold on to me tight",,, Said Phillip.

Then, I knew I was in for a treat.

"First, I need to give you my Jacket." he said,

But what about you?
"I don't need one, I will be fine. It is just in case we have an accident"

"What a thoughtful Sacrifice" I replied. I put it on.

I wanted to rub on Philips exposed muscular arms and shoulders as I held on tightly to his waist.But I couldn't at that moment ,, becuase the bike was starting to accelarate to high speeds.

My hair was blowing in the wind and it was exhilarating.

"Faster, Faster" ,, I screamed. I wasn't sure if he could hear me for the roar of the iron horse was as tremendous as the vibrations of the seat.
" Are you gay?? Do you like guys ?" I yelled.

the odometer now read 70 mph. Phillip was an adventurist like me. The speed of the bike forced me to grab onto Philips waist tighter."No,, I do not like guys, but I like you"

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Dancing with the Devil

Last night I was at a strip club that I frequent often. I shall not call it a gentlemans club for that would be improper, it is the type of caberet that can be for a womans or mans taste.

There sat a man at the bar who seemed to be in the Halloween spirit. He was wearing a shirt that said " I love witches" . Figuring he was up for a little Halloween festivity, I asked : " Do you love she devils too because there is a hot little dancer running around in a Red Devil Costume complete with horns, tail and pitchfork."

Of course he did.

I told him I had never had a lap dance from the devil,,, I wasn't even aware that Devils walked on Earth!!!!

This devilish woman was so hot my body was flushing and I was burning with desire to have a dance from her. He offered that I should try it and that he would pay the devils dues so long as he could watch the devil seduce me.

I approached the little shedevil named Jada, "Your devil suit looks amazing on you, Is that PRADA?". She laughed so sweetly, so I could tell that she wasn't a scary devil, rather she seemed playfully devilish.

I told her that I had become the devils advocate and requested her services for a dance. Temptation is the devils foreplay, and I was willing. However, I was bringing a subject into her private dungeon where the dance was going to take place and that he was merely a follower. This Dante coming along would not be participating and I suggested that we should treat him like he wasn't even present at all. The Devil should not be expected to treat visitors kindly.

The Devil unclothed herself but held onto her pitchfork tightly. There she stood, completely STripped.

It may not be wise to attribute good qualities to the devil, But I sat in awe of her comely body. I took notice of some of her beautiful qualities: her firm breasts and erect nipples, and gorgeous round ***. Her beautiful tan complexion, her lustrous hair, and her perfect muscle tones.

Unexpectedly, As Devils behave as they do, she began biting and snarling a little bit. She bit me on my breasts and in between my thighs. She was about to turn up the heat.
Becoming more and more agrressive, she said demonically : " You are going to sit there and let me have my way with you".

I was deeply aroused by her statement, eager to see how a heathen ruler rules.

She began poking me with her pitchfork, molesting me in all of my private places. Then she took the pointed pitchfork and starting at my chest scratched me with it all the way down to my ******. Then she poked some more. She flicked her tongue on my neck as a snake flicks its tongue and then bit me again. OUCH!
"You are so wicked" I said. How long could I stand to be tempted like this? Alas, I could stand the heat of this fallen angel no longer and I had succumb to all over her powers.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Just Expressing some thoughts

With precious anonymity I am here to freely share my wild side and practice some mental exhibitionism on this blogsite.